The long awaited streaming premier of JOKER 2 is finally here.
They started promoting this movie about two and a half years ago and it only stayed in theaters for three weeks. Fucking crazy. We're acutely awake of the promotion around this flick - even moreso than other major Batman projects - cause we saw this music video way back in 2022, and ever since when we hear anything about Joker 2 we get this song stuck in our head. Not complaining. its a fun tune. The family doesn't even hate when we sing it around the house. Its a jam. We don't know who this guy is, apparently he's a funny blogger. And we don't get the joke in last verse at all. From what we can tell it's a reference to some other blog song he made about Gremlins. It doesn't matter cause the Joker song BANGS. That's every funny blogger's dream -- to make content that appeals to a broad audience, but never stop doing inside jokes and memes for your boys. Wonder what this guy's up to now, he probly plays golf.
We're amped to live-blog this flick cause Joker 1 was a solid Hero's Journey. Scott Silver and Todd Philips - the writer and director of both Jokers - have a strong track record too, having made 8 Mile, The Fighter, Road Trip, and Old School -- all highly structured Heroes' Journeys.
If they knock down those steps then Joker 2 is gonna be at least as good as Space Jam 2; that's a solid floor, plus upside to be as good as Wayne's World 2. So let's eat a couple mushrooms and break it down -- if nothing else at least we get to watch Lady Gaga smoke cigs in 4K.
LETS GO!!!!!!!!!

The film opens with Joker in jail. Everything sucks in there and he looks depressed.
0:10 - Ten minutes in and Joker hasn't said a word. Everybody he sees in jail says "Hey, Arthur, you got a joke for us today?" but he never answers. We figure this is the Call to Adventure and the Refusal of the Call.
Right after that Joker meets with his lawyers (Meeting with the Mentor), and it looks like they're going to court in just a minute (Crossing the First Threshold) - but first - Smoke break!

That was Joker's first line in this movie - after about 12 minutes of screentime. Its a very artful and dramatic performance.

0:35 - There's been a few songs so far, and a few Gaga cigs -- the fifth and sixth steps of the Hero's Journey.

So far, we'd say Gaga is a much better singer, but Joker is way better at smoking cigs. Joker's been chiefing heaters nonstop for the last half hour. He ripped a whole cig without ashing earlier, it was awesome, had that long ash-rope hanging like your gramma used to do. He cant sing for shit tho.
0:40 - Joker and Gaga almost broke out of Arkham when Gaga started a fire. Then Joker and Gaga had sex, no nudity but it was pretty funny. (step 7- Meeting with the Goddess)

0:43 - Joker is meeting with the lawyer again, and he just tried to kiss her (step 8 - The Temptress). This movie is two hours and ten minutes so, figure we're about 20 min away from a flashback to the De Niro scene from Joker 1. Its gotta be a flashback cause Joker already killed De Niro obviously.
We're gonna go smoke a cig in real life and check imdb to see if De Niro is in this one.
0:54 - we're back. The Yankees won!
De Niro's not in this movie so its gonna be a flashback or a song about Goodfellas or something.
Joker's in court now.
1:05 - BOOM!!!!!!!!! Fuckin nailed it.

That's the same set from De Niro's show in Joker 1. Fuckin knew it. Hero's Journey never fails you guys!!!!!
1:24 - There's two more song-and-dance numbers here and Joker dies at the end of both of them (shot in the gut). Then, in real life, he interrupts the trial to fire his lawyer then kiss her again. Now Jokers gonna defend himself and he's gonna be Joker fulltime (Apotheosis).

This was where they did the cigarette shotgun, but it was Joker blowing the cig smoke to Gaga, demonstrating that he is now the holder of the Ultimate Boon.

1:26 - Joker's a star now. He has a party in jail (Refusal of the Return).
1:28-1:35 - The Magic Flight
holy shit you guys. Who said this movie was bad??? Joker 2 fuckin rules!!! PUDDLES?!?!?! That accent, fuck, this is so great.
He does that southern lawyer accent for the whole rest of the court scene and its hilarious. Give Joker 2 all the Oscars.
1:42 - The next part of the Hero's Journey consists of the hero getting in trouble again and then being rescued. What we have here at 1:42 is a prison scene that's really hard to watch, immediately followed by Gaga in her underwear. Thank you Gaga.

But for real - Scott Silver and Todd Philips are Hero's Journey purists, so right after the jury finds Joker guilty a bomb blows up outside the court building blowing out an exterior wall so he can escape (Rescue From Without).
2:01 - Gaga smokes ones last cig and then breaks up with Joker.

So then Joker checks himself back into Arkham in order to complete step 16 - Master of Both Worlds.
2:09 - Some rando from the prison shanks Joker in the gut. Joker dies.
The rando starts laughing all crazy, then cuts his own face open to give himself smile-scars like Heath Ledger. And then he laughs some more. (Freedom to Live)
So Gaga was wrong. There is a Joker. Its this guy.

The End.